Tuesday, May 14, 2013

For your final presentation to the class you may use Power Point or InDesign to present the projects you have created over the semester. I would also like a copy of your final presentation in a CD that I will keep. You should also print out all of your projects and place them into a one inch black blinder that you will pass around to the class but will keep for your records.

Of all of the quotes you have made over the semester, you only need to present six of the best to include in your final. You must include the following assignments:

The three different grids
The line project
Shapes project
Self Portrait
Illustrator Collage
Photoshop Collage
InDesign News Letter
Color Matters Project

If you have created another project that you are pleased with but that is not on the list do include it.

The Final starts at 7:15 and because we do not have much time please be on time and limit your presentation to no more than five minutes.

If you have any questions please feel free to email me.

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